Human social beings is caused each other therefore need each other communicate became the primary needs for human beings. For that, in creating a wide range of tools to meet the needs of such communications.The development of information and communication technology go hand in hand with the upgrading of human needs in terms of communicating.
From the time of former up to now. ICT has such a long history of development, at the start of the ICT equipment that is simple in ancient times up to the modern and complex it is today.
How the ICT development from the days of yore to today? The following serve the development of the ICT in for into several times.
1. Period of the days of old (before 3000 BC)
In ancient times was an age in which humans have not know writing, in this day and age humans begin identifying on the walls of caves for example about hunting and hunting animals.
2. In ancient period (3000 BC – 1400 M)
In the history of this, people began to recognize the writing on this more advanced era, humans began to use writing as a medium of communication just communication technology in use is still very simple.
3. Modern Era (1400 ad to present)
At the time this happened a very meaningful progress in information and communication technologies to the development of an increasingly modern in 1450 the world's 1st newspaper started being in Europe later in 1455. Johann Gutenberg developed a printing press that uses the letters made of iron plates in a frame made of wood and may be replaced – change in 1714. Henry Mill of England created the typewriter. He obtained a patent in confess and as the creator of the modern typewriter.
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