Intelligence agents of the United States (us) will be reporting some threat of technological advances for the sustainability of country life, the upcoming Dec. Report Global Trends 2025 made will provide to the President of the United States,was elected.
As quoted from the computer world, Thursday (19-9-2008), the report contains predictions and warnings for confronting the economy, climate change that will be faced by the United States until 2025.
According to the Deputy director of national intelegence, Thomas finger, in 2025 the many problems facing US resulting from advances in technology. Such a problem the robot will replace human labor in the production process, and also a human making biogerontechnology long-lived. When that happens, then the population become troublesome problems for Americans. "It will be a very heavy burden," said Finger.
In addition, Finger said, American President elected will receive reports about the warning of the dangers of climate change.
"While this is not a good time to live in the Southwest due to lack of water and dust that more and more, as well as life in the South due to increasing climate change such storms, and hurricanes", says finger.
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